Creative template for Google Ad Manager (GAM), formerly DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP). The creative template serves hosted HTML5 ad by document URL via iFrame tags. Serve video, dynamic server-side ads, and other non-standard ads.
Supports asynchronous/synchronous tags | Developed for HTML5 ads only |
Serve hosted HTML5 ads by URL | Easy click tracking with/without "clickTAG" parameter implemented |
Global "clickTAG" parameter add option | With/without click-through URL |
Third-party impression tracking option | Pure JavaScript (no external JS libraries) |
Easy installation (import ready file and instructions included) | Lifetime free updates |
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
How to use HTML5 ads?
To use HTML5 ad in this creative template, You need to get banner landing page URL firstly. Follow these steps:
- Upload all HTML5 banner assets to remote server (via FTP for example);
- Get URL to uploaded HTML5 ad landing page file (index.html usually);
- Provide this URL in this custom creative template field "File URL" and set fields "Source Type" value to "iFrame";
- Set other template fields values as required and save it.
How to track clicks for HTML5 ads?
There are two options to track clicks: use HTML5 ad that has a clickTag variable implemented in it and set its name to template's "clickTAG parameter name" field or use any HTML5 ad and set "Add global clickTAG" field to "YES".
Can I use HTML5 ads without clickTAG and track clicks?
Yes. This creative template includes a unique technique that allows track clicks for any HTML5 ad, even without click tracking variable implemented in it.
Can I change custom creative template default values?
Yes, You can change creative template default values. After You imported template, click on the field in the column Name and enter a new default value in the field Default value. You can change default values later.
Is this creative template works with DoubleClick for Publishers Small Business?
Yes. All DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) templates made by Genecy.com are created and tested for DFP Small Business mainly.
What access rights in DFP required to install this custom creative template?
This creative template can install any user with a role that has "Edit creative templates" permission checked. Users with roles Administrator or Trafficker have this permission by default.