Creative template for Google Ad Manager (GAM), formerly DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP). This creative template shows banner over web page's content in the fixed position when a user interacts with the base banner.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
What banner formats are supported in this template?
This creative template supports most popular image formats (.jpg, .png, .gif) and HTML5 (.html, .htm) banners.
Is Flash (SWF) format supported?
This creative template doesn't support Flash (.swf) files. We don't accept Flash files because most modern internet browsers disable Flash content by default currently.
How to use HTML5 banners in this template?
This template supports HTML banners by a link to external HTML banner. Unfortunately, there no possibilities to upload HTML banner directly in template due to DFP technical limitations.
How to track clicks for HTML5 banners?
Click tracking is very easy for HTML5 banners with this template. This template can track clicks for HTML5 banners without "clickTAG" variable implemented at all. Surely, implemented "clickTAG" variable can also be used.
Can I track clicks with HTML5 banners without clickTAG implemented?
Yes. This creative template includes the feature that makes click tracking working for any HTML5 banner.
Can I change layer's close button design for this template?
Yes. All who purchase this template will have access to creative template's customization form. This form allows change design for a close button. "Show layer" button is changeable in template itself.
Can I change default values for this creative template?
Yes. Default values are changeable for the creative template.
Is this creative template works with DoubleClick for Publishers Small Business?
Yes. All our DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) templates work with DoubleClick for Publishers and DoubleClick for Publishers Small Business. Templates are tested on DFP Small Business mainly.
What access rights required to install this creative template on DFP?
To install this template user requires access to DFP with a role that has "Edit creative templates" permission enabled. Usually, users with role "Administrator" or "Trafficker" have this permission enabled by default.
What ad-unit settings and sizes are the best for this template?
This template works with size defined ad-units only. Size of ad-unit will be a size for a base banner. Base banner will appear in a place where ad-unit is called from.